So tomorrow is a very big day for me. It marks my first day at Hack Reactor, a program for aspiring coders (both beginners and the more experienced) to develop the skills and knowledge to make it in the ever-growing tech field. It’s been a long few months since I was accepted back in November but the time crept up on me! I almost can’t believe I’ll be making the train ride into San Francisco tomorrow. Yikes!

I set this blog up about a month ago but am only now making my first post. There are two big reasons behind this, the first being detailed above: I’m documenting my experiences and struggles at HR, which can’t really happen until there are experiences to document. Secondly, I spent a lot of time trying to think of the perfect first blog post. I’m new to blogging in addition to coding, but I figured out that there’s no such thing as a perfect first post. You just gotta do it and get it out. So here we are!

Not much more to say for now. If you’re interested a bit more in my own personal story and how I got involved with all this, go ahead and check out the about section. I’ll be checking in soon!